Rabu, 11 Januari 2012


Plasma Display Panel (PDP) or in Indonesia known as the Plasma TV is one type of flat screen TV technology that enables manufacturers to produce large size flat screen TVs in bulk with an economical price.

The term and concept of the technology itself Plasma TVs introduced in 1936 by an expert in Physics, Electronics, and inventor of Hungary [1]. In the development of IBM, Fujitsu, and Panasonic introduced several types of plasma televisions that utilize technology in their research. New in 1997, followed by Philips and Pioneer Fujitsu, released flat-screen TVs with 42 inch size Plasma technology is commercially [2].

The term itself comes from the use of PDP Plasma cells, which is a fluorescent lamp, as the basis for the television screen lighting. A Plasma TVs use millions of Plasma cells are placed between two glass display panels. Each cell contains a combination of noble gases and small amounts of mercury that will be evaporated and given the power to glow and form a plasma. The color produced from phosphorus contained in the cell, where in each cell would contain phosphorus are 3 types of primary colors, namely: Red, Green, and Blue, or commonly known as RGB. The difference voltage assigned to each cell also produce color combinations that exist.

Advantages of Plasma TV

     Produces a better black than LCD TVs
     Contrast ratio is high (1:2.000.000)
     Much more broad viewpoint
     Refresh Rate and Response Time is fast, minimizing image blur

Weaknesses Plasma TVs

     Still images are displayed in a long time will cause burn-in and image ghosting
     The image quality will continue to decline with duration of use, albeit in a relatively long period of time
     Heavier than LCDs
     Using an electric power larger than the LCD TV
     Sizes are generally not available below 42 inches.

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